Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kyle Rower-- Same old guy, whole new look:


All of this talk of Minnie Stella made me think: 'How can there be a Minnie without a Kyle to keep her grounded? How does that even HAPPEN?' And the solution to this problem was extracting some old drawings and dusting them off. But then I thought, 'These are rudimentary--from the stone age. They won't do.' So, going off of those, I created something entirely new and attractive in a whole different way...Kyle: REBORN.
Shiny and new but still the same old scoundrel we all loved, Kyle is back, and with a new haircut. Minnie better sleep with one eye open. 

For old time's sake:

-Lost out


  1. Ah yes. I love them both, but it doesn't hurt for a character to have some refurbishment every once in a while. :)


  2. Your first drawing of him looks like him as a young teenager, and then the second one looks like him in in his twenties!
